Apprendre à me connaître
Je m'appelle Naomi Kilbreth et je suis une herboriste clinicienne chrétienne. J'aide les personnes ayant une mission pour leur vie à trouver la liberté, l'espoir et la joie dans leur santé. Je permet aux gens de renouer avec leur instinct de prendre soin d'eux-mêmes naturellement, leur apprend à trouver et à fabriquer leur propre médicament et les aide à créer des plans de bien-être holistiques qui incluent la nutrition, des options de mode de vie et bien sûr des herbes !
Je suis herboriste et aromathérapeute certifiée par la Heart of Herbal School. Je suis également certifié en compétences d'évaluation holistique par le Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism. J'ai réussi l'examen d'herboristerie communautaire au Commonwealth Center for Community Herbalism et j'ai commencé le processus d'acceptation des herboristes enregistrés auprès de l'American Herbalist Guild. J'aime apprendre et lire régulièrement des livres sur les plantes et la santé, et j'essaie constamment de nouvelles techniques d'identification des plantes, je formule de nouveaux remèdes à base de plantes et je me renseigne sur les problèmes de santé courants.
En tant qu'épouse et mère de quatre enfants ayant des antécédents de nombreux problèmes de santé au sein de ma famille, l'herboristerie m'a permis de pouvoir subvenir aux besoins de mes proches d'une manière qui rétablit le bien-être et nous rassemble. Mes enfants sont souvent dans la cuisine avec moi pour préparer des thés, préparer des remèdes à base de plantes et expérimenter des épices. L'herboristerie est loin d'être seulement mon métier - c'est un mode de vie pour nous, et cela me procure une grande joie d'aider les autres à se l'approprier aussi.
Je ne suis plus sur les réseaux sociaux, mais vous pouvez partager mes informations sur toutes les plateformes que vous utilisez ! Vous POUVEZ, cependant, me trouver sur l'application Podcast et Spotify, consulter mes cours en cours et vous abonner à mes e-mails hebdomadaires, ou travailler directement avec moi !
J'ai hâte de me connecter avec toi,
87 Court St. Auburn, ME 04210

P.S. If you would like to learn more about our family's experience living off grid and building our own home with cash on a small budget, I wrote a book called Coming Home, which you can find here!

Assistant Herbalist
Dayna Hutchins is a Christian Herbalist working towards becoming a Clinical Herbalist. She and her husband have been married for 12 years and have 2 young and beautiful, busy boys. They live outside of a small town in Oklahoma in the middle of the woods. She enjoys learning to become more self-sufficient on her small homestead with gardening and natural soap making. She is always learning how to make various household and beauty items herself.
She has been growing in her herbal knowledge for over 3 years. She started with learning what plants were around her and that grew into pursuing the herbalist path. Her knowledge and experience really grew during her second pregnancy. She explored options for supporting herself with natural pregnancy teas and herbs and started a Mentorship with Naomi. She has now completed the 1-year mentorship program, a 6-month Internship Program and is ready to help support you with your health needs!
Dayna’s ideal clients consist of toddlers and young children dealing with common viral issues and women of all ages who need support with their menstrual cycle, fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding, post-partum, hormone issues, perimenopause and menopause. She also would love to help you through the cold and flu season (and any other time) with general immune support. She has recently started an herbal product business that offers teas, tinctures and custom capsules! If you are curious or want to know more, visit Koselig Herbal.
As an herbalist with two pregnancies under her belt and two small children at home, common viral illnesses are no stranger to her. She is also very interested in all things that have to do with fertility, the birthing year, breastfeeding and general menstrual cycle support. As a woman and mother, she realizes that motherhood takes up so much of our lives and feeling supported during that time is so important and needed! Let her help you navigate supporting yourself and your family’s health through this amazing and challenging season.
Education and Experience
-Christopher Hobbs Foundations of Herbalism course (150 hours)
-1 year mentorship program (over 75 hours of Client Work) with Naomi Kilbreth
-6 Month Internship with Naomi Kilbreth
-100+ hours of self-study including books read, various online trainings and podcasts
-Home Herbalist Series Class with Maria Noel Groves (Currently Taking)

Apprendre à me connaître
My name is April Martin. I currently live in the state of Maine with my husband and two dogs. Growing up, my mother raised my brother and I as vegetarians and treated us from a holistic approach. While western medicine has been used when called for, often she seemed to always have a remedy on hand, tea, herbal remedies, dietary supplements. My mother went to the Hippocrates Institute when she was younger to address some of her own health issues which influenced her approach on treating her own family and has passed on this knowledge to us. This has been my origin point to finding myself on this specific path of herbalism as an approach to supporting my family’s health.
I have personally found it to be very empowering to be able to address common ailments with at home remedies for issues such as skin conditions, GI upsets, and onset of cold and flu season. I also have gone through periods of high stress and anxiety that have affected my health where the ease came from herbal support. I have experienced first-hand that herbs and plants have provided balance to not just treating symptoms allopathically but energetically as well including supporting the nervous system, easing stressed emotional and mental states. I believe the connection to herbs and plants that have been around for millennia are timeless, tried and true in supporting the health of the mind, body and spirit. My interest is in providing the education and teaching simple at home approaches to supporting our health, helping others to become empowered in their personal health journey. I absolutely love the opportunity I have had so far to study the path of herbalism, learning from the wise teachers that have walked before us.
To date, my education and experience includes:
~ Medicine Lodge Academy ~
Foundations Clinical Herbalism Program with Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, MD, January 2023-present
Medicine Lodge Ranch, Mind the Gut: A Deep Dive with Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, 7/23-7/24/2021
~ Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine ~
Certificate of completion for the Herbal Medicine Making Course, 150 hours, February 2021
~ Asia Suler, One Willow Apothecaries Independent Courses ~
• Business as a Spiritual Journey
• Herbs for Personal Power
• Herbs for the Otherworld
As well as Independent Studies through herbal educational material, online conferences and webinars, and endless hours of reading and listening to podcasts pertaining to herbalism and all matters related to improving our health.
I am also a member of Town Square Herbalism.
I started a business offering small-batch, organic tea blends for easing stress and supporting overall well-being. Starting August 2022, I have been attending local artisan and craft markets offering tea blends to support health and well-being. My favorite part of being a part of local community craft fairs is being able to connect with others in person about herbalism and the support it offers our health. I also offer my tea blends through my website. In addition, I have also had the privilege of teaching a couple of classes this year (2024) on tea blending specifically related to learning about herbs to ease stress and balance the nervous system.

Apprendre à me connaître
Important Update
Kelly was recently diagnosed with stage four colon cancer and is undergoing treatment at Envita Medical Center in Pheonix, AZ. Kelly has dedicated the last few years of her life to growing her education so she can care for others.
Please consider donating to her medical fund so we can help care for her. Thank you!
My name is Kelly Araneda. I’ve bounced around the US and lived in some amazing places like Idaho, Maine, Florida, Washington state, Colorado, Utah, and currently reside in the outskirts of Raleigh, NC. My college studies in Family Sciences and Anthropology took me to more beautiful places like Guatemala and South Africa. I served an 18-month mission in Brazil sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. I met my husband on a subsequent visit to Brazil, and we lived there for another year after our marriage. We have been married for nearly 24 years and are happy homeschooling parents of seven beautiful children.
My journey with plants stems from a lifelong passion for gardening and self sufficiency. Planting corn and beans led to planting yarrow and comfrey, which I then had to figure out how to use! My studies became more serious after two significant life events: the sudden and unexpected death of our newborn in 2014, and the worldwide pandemic of 2020. Both of these incidents taught me deep reverence for the sanctity and wonder of life, for the Creator of all life, and for the web of life on this lovely green planet.
My studies to date include:
Herbal Academy: Both the Intermediate and Advanced Programs (500+ hours)
School of Evolutionary Herbalism (330+ hours)
CommonWealth Holistic Herbalism School (200+ hours)
Eclectic School of Medical Herbalism (currently enrolled)
Various lectures, webinars, intensives, conferences, and independent reading (200+ hours)
I look forward to a lifetime of learning to support both body and soul holistically.

« Le meilleur herboriste que je connaisse ! Elle a aidé notre famille à travers de nombreuses maladies naturellement. Elle nous a particulièrement aidés à dépanner les antiviraux pour ma mère, qui est très sensible aux herbes, et à soulager ses allergies. Grâce à elle, nous avons de nombreux outils supplémentaires dans notre boîte à outils de santé. »

"Après plusieurs semaines sans pouvoir fermer mon cerveau et me détendre, j'ai pris un remède recommand é par Naomi dès que je suis retourné dans la voiture après l'avoir acheté et au moment où je suis rentré à la maison, j'ai pu m'asseoir et regarder mon tout-petit joue dans le jardin. C'était magique !"

« Naomi est l'herboriste de ma famille depuis trois ans maintenant. Sa prévenance, son engagement, son désir d'aider et de soutenir les gens et ses expériences de vie ne sont que quelques-unes des raisons pour lesquelles elle est une excellente guérisseuse holistique.